Great Gains at Summer Ventures


Each summer, Urban Ventures provides daily programming for local students. The days are a mix of academic support, concentrated literacy initiatives, and various enrichment field trips.

The program is designed to fight against the “summer slide,” where students academically regress during the summer months, losing gains they’ve made during the school year. This year the program was more important than ever. Studies are showing that the Covid-19 pandemic has disproportionately affected students of color and  increased the achievement gap1.


Summer Ventures included a special focus on literacy training. Improved reading ability raises overall academic performance. Every subject in school requires reading, so when students are better at reading comprehension it removes barriers to becoming better at every other subject as well.

We are very happy to report that every student improved their reading scores over the summer. Not only did they avoid the summer slide, but they made gains over the summer break and will be better prepared as they head to the classroom this fall, and less likely to fall behind.

Students also participated in an at-home “read-a-thon” where they were encouraged to read in the evenings with family. Students tracked their time, racking up 46,267 minutes of on-their-own reading! That’s over 12 hours of reading per kid!


Beyond academic support, students also had the opportunity to choose from different electives. Activities included robotics with Create MPLS in our new Innovation Center, pottery at Northern Clay Center, tennis with Inner City Tennis, watersports with Inner City Surf, and trips to Mall of America, Valleyfair, the 3M Open, and Twins games. We’re grateful for the many partners who made the enrichment activities possible.

It was a great combination of work and play, and we’re eager to see how our students do this fall as they return to the classroom. We logged over 15,000 interaction hours with our Summer Ventures students. With 100% making academic gains over the summer, it was well worth it. And it wouldn’t be possible without donors and volunteers, people like you, who continue to support, encourage, and selflessly give to the people in our neighborhood. Thank you!


Work like this is only possible through donations from people like you. Make a donation today to keep programs like Summer Ventures going.