Urban Ventures is deeply saddened by the loss of John Turnipseed. John passed away from heart complications on November 22, 2022, surrounded by friends and family, at the age of 68.

John was a part of the Urban Ventures family for 27 years. He was one of the first participants in UV’s Center for Fathering, eventually running the center and most recently serving as Urban Ventures’ Executive Vice President and Campus Pastor.

There are few people who so completely embodied the essence of Urban Ventures as John Turnipseed. Transforming from gang leader to community leader and from pimp to pastor, John made it his life’s work to serve our neighborhood. Born in Selma, Alabama in 1954, John moved to Minneapolis as a young child. There, he battled demons brought on by a volatile, abusive father, leading to a life of crime as a gang leader, pimp, and drug dealer on the same streets where Urban Ventures is today.

John often said, "My God is big enough to do anything with anyone, and He changed my life." After surrendering his life to God, John became a community leader, pastor, and mentor to young men fighting to escape the same despair he’d experienced.  He became a friend to the friendless, a voice to the silenced, and an inspiration to those without hope. John’s personal transformation brought about great changes, both in Urban Ventures and south Minneapolis. All the while, John gave the credit and the glory to God.

John also gave credit to Urban Ventures’ founder, Art Erickson, calling him a father figure, and saying, “Art didn’t give up on me. Not then. Not later. Not ever.” Upon graduation from the Center for Fathering, Art advocated in court for leniency, saying he would hire John to run the center. Thus began a quarter-century of faithful service in South Minneapolis.

Art and John remained close friends for the rest of John’s life.

John’s primary passion was the challenge of fatherlessness. Throughout his career he advocated, authored, trained and taught countless times on the importance of healthy and present fathers. His impact was amplified through major federal initiatives addressing fatherlessness nationwide. His tireless work helped thousands of men, especially young Black men, as they sought to grow as fathers.

The reach of John’s passion, and redemptive life story, went far beyond Urban Ventures. His hopeful story of transformation was captured in a book, a video trilogy, and a training curriculum now used in prisons around the globe. John was also deeply involved in MADDADs, a national movement of fathers working to protect their communities. John was recently serving as interim CEO. One of John’s last acts was hiring his successor, Jordan Borer Nelson, to continue the important work of the organization.

John’s irreplaceable presence will be sorely missed at Urban Ventures. He rarely missed an event and was quick to praise UV staff for the important work they were doing. And, of course, John was always the most sharply dressed man on campus. No matter the occasion, you could almost guarantee John would be there in a full suit and often donning his signature hat.  Amid ongoing health challenges, John was always engaged with the work of Urban Ventures. He would call UV CEO Dave Hawn, sometimes from the hospital, insisting he’d be back soon. Sure enough, he’d be back to work, dressed to the nines, as soon as he could.

Dave was deeply appreciative of John’s friendship, saying, “From day one, John took me under his big, broad wing and taught me so much. And as a privileged white guy from the suburbs, I had a lot to learn! He taught me without judgment. And he taught me with so much grace and wisdom. It was both humbling and empowering. I am a better man from knowing John Turnipseed. And I know many other men feel the same way.”

More important than his work was John’s family. As a husband, father, grandfather, and great-grandfather, John’s loyalty and commitment to serving his family exemplified the perspective he hoped other men would take. His wife, Artence, and grandson, Davon, are a frequent presence at Urban Ventures. We are grateful for the ways his legacy can continue in their presence.

Urban Ventures is forever grateful for the impact John had on the organization. As Campus Pastor, John was a spiritual guide and constant reminder of the power of Jesus to change lives and the privilege to be a part of that work. John’s faith was, and will remain, an example for the entire Urban Ventures family.

It is almost impossible to think of Urban Ventures without John Turnipseed. John’s presence as a spiritual leader and respected voice made him a uniquely gifted force for good in our city. We pray that the continuing work of Urban Ventures will serve as a memorial to John’s life, faith, and efforts.